Dr. Michael WalkovichPodiatrist
Dr. Walkovich has been in practice in the Toledo area over 22 years.
He treats ALL Problems related to the Foot & Ankle in Children and Adults.
This includes:
Sprains & Strains of the foot, ankle & leg.
Skin lesions (cysts, ulcers, cancer)
Bunions & Hammertoes
Achilles Tendon pain/rupture
Fractures (broken bones) of the Foot and Ankle
Deformities of the Foot & Ankle
(flat foot, cavus foot, Charcot)
Arthritis of the Foot & Ankle
Ankle Joint Replacement
DrW ironmanHe will take the time to explain what the problem is as well as discuss with you all of your treatment options.
Runners of all types (Recreational, 5-10K, Marathoner, Tri-athlete) are also seen frequently for all types of pains and injuries. Dr. Walkovich is an Ironman tri-athlete himself, and has a unique Physician perspective of runners’ health during training.
Dr. Walkovich sees many people for Diabetic Foot Care and other related problems and focuses on Conservative and Preventative Care but also offers complete Reconstructive Surgical Options.
Dr. Walkovich is President & Co-Owner of:
Foot & Ankle Physicians & Surgeons
3055 W. Sylvania Ave
This is an independent, private practice with 4 locations in Toledo, Perrysburg, Maumee and Point Place.
ALL Insurance plans.
Hospital privileges at Mercy (St. Vincent, St. Anne, Promedica (Flower))
Regency Park Surgery Center